Wednesday 2 February 2011

How Come I Am Not Perfect?

As you know, I have been spending a bit of time playing the bass lately (I promise to not mention it next time!!)

There is a part of me that wants to pick it up and be an absolute guru at it straight away! The reality is that it is not going to happen.  I need to put in the effort.

When I left University and started my IT career, I wanted to be the CEO straight away. When I started singing I wanted to be a start straight away.  How come I am not perfect at anything straight away?

I recall when Goanna won the Best New Artist award back in the 80's, the lead singer commented that it took them 10 years to be an overnight success.  I am certain Susan Boyle's overnight success was preceded by years of practice, training and commitment.  In Malcolm Gladwell's book Outliers he says that the magic number is 10,000 hours of practise to be a leader in a field.

The secret to these 10,000 hours is actually just doing them and doing them one hour at a time.

In the area you want to be a guru, work, home, guitar or even Bass Guitar, just keep doing it one hour at a time as best as you can.  This is the short cut to success!!


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