Monday, 22 February 2010

Who is Driving?

When it is time to make decisions (important or otherwise) who is driving? It is you or your ego?

My ego wanted to kick in this week and I struggled to keep it at bay. Wifey and I bought a new car. As a male, I wanted the latest and greatest with all the bells and whistles and for it to be brand new and shiny!

Once I was able to put my ego to one side I could see that as much as I wanted a shiny new car, a 10% saving on the cost of the car to have a one year old model with 10 thousand kilometres on the clock made sense. The difference between the two cars was minimal (16 inch rims vs 17 inch rims).  

Even though I could tell myself "I am worth a new car" (and I know I am), the 10% saving was worth it. Now I can invest that 10% rather than just spending it.

When you are making your decisions, how big an impact does your ego have? Don't get me wrong, as the Skyhooks said, "Ego is not a dirty word". But we need to make sure that our ego is not driving us.

So who is driving?

Monday, 15 February 2010

What Inspires You?

Inspiration is a critical part of life. It gives us strength, courage, compassion as well as helps us to generate ideas on what to make, what to do, how to behave and who to be in business and in life.

The Winter Olympics started a few days ago. Many people are inspired by truly spectacular athletes who compete. Others, like me, are not. (I really just don't like sport!!). We can be inspired in different ways. By nature, by music, by other people, by companies, by children, by art, by theatre, the list goes on.

What is important is to know what kind of things inspire you and then make time to seek out inspiration - not just wait for it to come to you.

So what inspires you?

Monday, 1 February 2010

Can you Believe it?

It is February already - can you believe it?

One month down and 11 to go (that's 8.3% of the year gone). So are you 8.3% along the path of your goals? Have you met 8.3% of your annual targets? For many of us, this month has flown by. I am sure that many people will say "I was on vacation", "business is slow in Jan", "the tennis was on" or some other observation about January and what they are doing. These are valid points, but they are not the point I want to make.

My point is to remind you that "How we live our days is how we live our life".

  • If you are not 8.3% along the path of this year's objectives, what can you do about it today?
  • If you are not showing the kind of attributes you want people to be saying about you on your 80th birthday, what can you do today?
  • If you are not being the person you want to be in the world, what can you do about it today?
Can you belive how easy it is to have a fantastic life? Simply start by having a fantastic day.


Image: Vodaphone Zoo Zoo Calander