Monday 21 December 2009

It Christmas Time!

It's my time of year. I mean, just look at my surname, Merry! How cool is that. I must confess, getting the Merry underlined on all of my Christmas cards was funny for the first couple of years, it has worn thin over the last 25 years or so! But I do love Christmas time - people are friendlier, everyone wishes everyone else the best and there is loads of gratitude around.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah (Chanukah), Chinese New Year, Festivus (the festival for the rest of us), Chrisnukkah (sort of a Christmas, Hannukah combo meal deal) or just use Christmas as an excuse to get together with family and friends to spread joy and love, it is a time of year for reflection. Now I don't just mean reflecting your face in the wrapping paper of the gifts!!! I mean reflection of the year that has passed and the year ahead. Reflecting on what is truly important in your life. Reflecting on how you will grow for the coming year.

But wouldn't be the festive season without present though!! So here is my present to you. Click this link to access it. The Regular Results Review is a simple two page sheet that will give you the opportunity to celebrate your achievements for 2009 and look forward to 2010. Enjoy with my best wishes.


If you want more.

If a Regular Review is not enough and you truly want to make 2010 one of your best years, then you need the Get More from 2010 package. Visit to find out all of the details. Simply put it is a 3 hour session with additional resources to ensure you Get More from 2010. Only a limited number of people will be accepted to make sure it is a focussed session. I would love for you to be there.

Regardless of whether you are there or not, have a fantastic festive season and a magic 2010. I look forward to being part of your team in the New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Warwick Merry

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