Monday 9 April 2012

What Did You Give?

Easter Egg
I had Easter lunch with some of my family on Sunday. My niece and nephews were all fired up on chocolate. The question that most people would ask them in relation to the Easter Bunny is "What did you get?" After considering this for the last 24 hours, I think "What did you Give?" would be a better question to ask.

Our modern society is so focussed on the individual that we forget the community. Some people say "It is better to give than receive" but they are not the actions that I see in the world.

Business is no different. A lot of people talk about Win-Win but would you err in the side of caution and make sure your customer wins first or maybe even your supplier? How can you Give to those at your workplace rather than looking at what you get?

So today, my question for you is What Did You Give?

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