Tuesday 5 February 2013

How Do You Measure Success?

Be honest, how do you measure success. Not how do you think you should measure it, but how you really do. Typically it is by money. Sometimes it is by the impact you have on others and other times it is purely how you feel.

Success is worth considering. What it is, what it means to you and how it drives you.

Too often in the business world people don't measure success because it is too hard. In particular this happens in the Exhibiting and Event Sponsorship world. Thousands are spent and then written off as a "Branding" exercise.

So what is success for you and how will you measure it?

PS If you need help in measuring Success in the Exhibiting and Event Sponsorship field, join us for a webinar on Wednesday  or visit the webinar series website www.EASI-Money.com

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